내새끼 스틱 Dog & Cat Chicken Seafood Churu | 鸡肉龙虾海鲜肉泥 12gx5

$8.99 USD
Type: Cat Treats

Chicken Yellow Thai Fish - High palatability, rich in taurine, fatty acids, prebiotics, omega 3, no additives. Effectively regulate gastrointestinal health, skin care and beauty.

Lobster - Lobster is rich in protein and is also effective for weight loss and vision restoration. Aids growth and increases cholesterol excretion.

Chicken - Low-fat chicken is high in high-quality protein, which helps build muscle and build strength.

Salmon - Salmon is rich in omega3 fatty acids, which help boost immunity and improve skin.


鸡肉黄泰鱼 - 高适口性,富含牛磺酸,脂肪酸,益生元,omega 3,无添加。有效的调理肠胃健康,护肤美毛。

龙虾 - 龙虾富含蛋白质,对减肥和视力恢复也有效果。有助于生长和增加胆固醇排出。

鸡肉 - 低脂肪的鸡肉富含优质蛋白质,有助于肌肉形成和增强体力。

三文鱼 - 三文鱼富含omega3脂肪酸,有助于提高免疫力和改善皮肤。